Bizzy Girls Entrepreneur - 71811
Bizzy Girls Entrepreneur - Winter
Bizzy Girls Entrepreneur - Winter
Bizzy Girls-Start Your Own Biz. Calling all young entrepreneurs. Create a business doing what you love! A food business, slime, beauty products, jewelry - it’s up to you. At Bizzy Girls, each student creates their own product, logo and signage. They learn biz skills, marketing, cost/profit, and sales. The program is project based, hands on, creative and fun. Students hold a pop-up store at the end of the session, learning to engage with customers, sell their products, and keep their earnings. Supplies for the products should be under $20. Students come to class the first day with their supplies. We look forward to working with our new entrepreneurs!
Make up: March 13th
Charge When Not Billed:
Resident Fee (Standard Fee): $290.00 = $290.00
Charge When Not Billed:
Non-Resident Fee (Standard Fee): $310.00 = $310.00